Frequently Asked Question

Sending Daylite estimates to Xero
Last Updated 4 years ago

XAccounting for Daylite provides the ability to send estimates created in Daylite to Xero as draft invoices.

Creating an estimate in Daylite

To create an estimate in Daylite, select an opportunity and click on the Estimate tab.


Build your estimate by adding line items to the current estimate section.
Once you have added all relevant line items, click Create Estimate.


Once created, the estimate will appear in the Past Estimates list for the selected opportunity.

Sending a Daylite estimate to Xero

Select an opportunity in Daylite and click on the XAccounting tab.


Select the estimate from the Estimates list and click Send to Xero.
Users will receive confirmation that an invoice was created successfully in Xero.


An icon will appear in the Estimates list to indicate whether an estimate has been sent to Xero.


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