Frequently Asked Question

Configuring preferences for XAccounting for Daylite
Last Updated 2 years ago

To get the most out of XAccounting for Daylite, users should configure preferences according to your Daylite database and Xero Organisation settings.

To access preferences for XAccounting for Daylite:

    • In Daylite, open the Daylite menu and select Preferences...
    • Under the section labelled Jewell Technologies, click on the icon labelled XAccounting.

Daylite Settings

Users are able to configure various address and phone labels to correspond to the address and phone options available in Xero.

A Daylite contact role can be configured and applied to people linked to companies, to include that person's details when updating a company's Xero contact.


Xero Settings

These preferences require a connection to the Xero API. If you need guidance when connecting to Xero, please refer to this FAQ.

Users are able to configure the relevant Xero tax rates to correspond to the relevant tax rates available in Daylite, as well as a default sales account for use when sending estimates.


Note: Users with Sales Assistant for Daylite installed will be presented with a slightly different layout to that shown above, to cater for those tax rates configured in Sales Assistant for Daylite.

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